When people hear of a lavender business, their thoughts automatically go to lavender soaps. Although we offer a very large and varied line of natural lavender products, soaps remain our biggest seller.
I follow many other Canadian lavender businesses, to support other lavender ventures, and ensure we are on the same page as others regarding product lines and pricing. So I was intrigued by an Ontario lavender business who publicized a milestone number of soap bars sold and thought I’d look back over our recently completed 7 years of this hobby retirement business and calculate our number of soap bars sold. We started out just at a weekly market, 8 months out of the year. After two years we expanded to a few local shops selling our products. At Christmas we always do a few extra pop up markets, they’re a lot of fun, and we love the excitement of customers picking out our products for their loved ones that appreciate lavender. At year 3, we added our website and introduced online sales. We’re just a small homegrown business, we want to keep it small, so we can also find time to enjoy our retirement years and travel!
But being so intrigued, I reviewed the last 7 years sales of just our soap bars. I was astounded! This past summer we surpassed 15,000 soap bars sold.
So here we are, keeping New Brunswick, and our expanding online shoppers, enjoying lavender all year round, in their baths and showers. It warms my heart how our community and fellow Canadians support local, and shows us such appreciation for our work!
Yours in Lavender,
Phil and Nancy Morrison Covered Bridges Lavender Hampton, NB